55 miles today. Weekly totals 31 miles ran 135 miles cycled. Weight 179.
The 55 miles cost 3,434 calories. That's the bad news. The good news I suppose is that it only took 3 hours and 20 minutes to do it and it's still January. Next week I'll do 55 again then up to 70. It was stupid cold this morning.
I left the house with lights blinking in the dark to below freezing temperatures. I had to wear two pairs of tights, overshoes, balaclava, thermals, arm warmers FUGGIN SKI GLOVES and sunglasses. I hadn't gone a mile when the nose started running and tears were streaming down my cheeks. Most bike gloves have a little soft patch for wiping snot off the end of the nose. Not my sandpaper ski gloves. Still, I thought: This is stupid...BLACK ICE...you are mad...go home. I'll just get there and do a lap. I did 6 in total. Longest I've ever gone on a fixed gear bike. I ran 8 miles the day before. I think that was a bad idea. My legs felt really flat today. They wouldn't respond. I could ride in the 20's and get out of the saddle and climb the little rises. Breathing fine, heart rate...fine. Next week I will only do 5 miles on Saturday or perhaps nothing.
Today was a good dose of reality. I did about half the distance with no where near the climbing. Still, the wattage I am doing is consistent to the level needed to climb the four main peaks but there is no way I could have turned around and done the entire ride again. Hopefully if I keep plugging away and adding the miles I'll find something that resembles the mythical form I need to perform this silly little bike ride.
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