AM Starts Getting Easier

The prospect of rolling out of bed at 5am to go running hasn't been too bad for the last 4 months. Now, with the Aubisque and the Tourmalet keeping me company it has gotten a little easier to motivate myself. I am prepared to suffer. The plan is to suffer on a daily basis through training and diet. To complete the Etape I will burn nearly 6921 calories if I weigh 160lbs. 7341 if I weigh 170lbs so my current weight of 180lbs would leave me needing 7776 calories to complete the course. I would have to take in 864 calories an hour or 216 per every 15 minutes. That's madness. I would need to carry 56 bananas that would weigh 12.6 pounds...roughly.

The running is 6.5 miles / average 50 minutes / 1200 calories per day /  5 days a week. This has been a great fat burner. It also allows me to get my heart rate up quick and push my threshold (allegedly).

Of course this remains to be seen.

It's only a bike ride.
