On the Hunt for Fenton

This video shot in Richmond Park of a dog named Fenton has gone viral. It has delighted millions of people around the globe. I first saw it posted by Eric Danizio, someone I used to ride BMX bikes with back in the day.

That person sold me a frame and I went about putting together a Skyway with white mag wheels (tuff 2's). That satisfaction of building a bike and upgrading components has never gone away. I paid for it at 13 buy getting a job washing dishes in the local pizza shop. At the time it was called Fairport Pizza, located in Fairport NY. Besides the ability to come up with highly original names for the place, they made fantastic pizza and Italian dishes. Friday would be a non-stop dish wash with people fighting to get a table to try the fish fry. Fairport. I'll see you in a few weeks.

Now I live in London and I still put together bikes. Richmond Park has been the center of my winter training schedule that started last week and will be revisited in an hour. It's 7 miles away so I'll ride there in warm up mode. Do 4 laps in interval time and ride back at a steady pace. 66km in total. This is only a third of the distance but I'm not going to panic. It's November. If this was May I would panic.

Should be interesting, warmish but 20 mph wind gusts. When it's windy I tell myself "at least it isn't raining' when its raining "at least it isn't windy". If its raining AND windy "at least it isn't snowing". Snow and ice is the only thing I'll avoid. I learned that lesson and so did my hip.


66 kilometers / 41 miles - 2hours and 33 minutes. 7 minutes faster than last week with gusts between 20 and 30 mph. No Fenton...lots of nervous looking deer.
